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Jr W

Joined: 31 May 2006
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:05 pm
PostPost subject: My Valentine's Day: The Jr W Speaks! Reply with quote

Inspired by Wilkins' heartfelt sentiments, I was going to get around this eventually, but now seems like a better time than never.

It all started, back at the end of year ten. I met Jessie Slater properly. From then on, I befriended her. We became fairly good friends but it was an on and off thing. One day during Assembly she told me Adam had asked her on an outing. I advised against (still holding a grudge from my previous relationship), and that developed into her and Adam going out. I had no problem with this really, and in fact gave advice to both of them as by this time I had no open problem with Adam (just slight resentment), I wanted the best for Jessie. The Thursday Saga of life was going on, which was great. In order to help her spend more time with Adam I offered her lifts to Shane's (which led to the river). She had a movie night in this time. I went, they mucked around as kids do and all was fine and dandy. Although I did make a good impression with the parentals. Then he wanted to dump her.

I was told of this, but out of respect for their relationship (and because I wouldn't anyway) I didn't tell Jessie. Then it happened. He said those magic words. "We should stop seeing each other for a while. She interpreted this literally. I spent that afternoon trying to comfort her, alongside ole mate Ellie. She wanted none of it, she was of the mindset that we in knowing she was dropped were wrong and she in believing his literal words was right. This happened to be a mere day before a youth camp. I told her if she "needed a shoulder" I had one. I talked to her mildly over the Friday and most of Saturday. Then I found her on the Saturday alone, so I talked to her. I think it had sunk in. Ole mate Ellie came over and together we comforted Jessie. All was well and good. She put her facade back up and moved on.

We remained friends and she had a few fights with Adam, which I supported her in (not as in helped, or cheered, but emotional support). Between that and the gringos is hazy but I remember being nothing but Mr Nice Guy.

Come gringo time, we were all violent. She tried having words with one of them, I pulled her aside and told her not to. Maybe she realised I was doing it her safety. Maybe she thought I was being sexist by not letting her fight. Who knows.

We'll come down to ENW time and from here on in it gets messy. She went on Biology camp and ended up going out with Luke Hassen. Once I got wind of this I told her what I thought, she didn't like it. I still stood by her. (Last lot of) school holidays started and we went to Kenny's joint for some wrasslin. We then went to Joel's to try and do a show. Kenny wanted her extension cord, so we went and she came to the show. At which point her mother discussed dinner. Event happened, she escorted me and Shane to ringside and was happy. She got the "come home" call, I got invited to dinner. I begrudgingly accepted, and got tacos. That's the equivalent of Shane getting pancakes. We had dinner and together we helped her Mum with some work. It was fun. I was genuinely enjoying the time we were having.

A week went by (with moderate talking) then came the next Monday. My phone goes off. "Would you like to go to Redbank, bring people" or something to that effect. I put on some pants (...) and walked to the station. I hopped on the train and off I went. I was happy as Larry. I wait for her in the food court as she wished. I pull my phone out my pants and see "Oh I'm not coming" (or something to that meaning). I was fairly pissed off by now. Looking back, I think I was right to be. At the time, who knew. I walk around figuring "While I'm here..." and see Steve and Vicki. Thinking, this is odd. I turn around and see Mrs Shane. By this time thinking this is quite bizarre I turn once again and who do I see?

Young Jessie.

That shitted me. I walked. She obviously didn't want me there so I walked from the situation. I eventually caught the train home. After hearing that she was so distraught (from a reliable source might I add. comes in handy for the chat log later on) it was somehow arranged without any input from me whatsoever, for movies and me to repay dinner the next day. As luck would have it I get a phone call from her Mum saying she got sick. I was disappointed, but understanding. She then called and I went round and spent the arvo with her. It was enjoyable. We had a great time.

I made the mistake of thinking we could perhaps compensate for her getting sick, and I asked her to the movies. What do I get? "Who else is going". Well no offence fellas but I wasn't exactly thinking more people would be a good thing. So I said no one. She was hardline group or nothing. Nothing won.

She then went on holidays to a land down under (Melbourne)

While she was on holidays the following transpired...

Note: What follows is an actual, unedited full chat log file.

Messenger Plus! Chat Log
Session Start: Friday, 29 December 2006

* Jr W (
* N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! (

(7:45 PM) junior_wonderful: hey
Session Start: Friday, 29 December 2006

* Jr W (
* N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! (

(7:47 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: hey can't talk atm sorry....packing for my flight home
(7:47 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: although we really do need to soon
(7:47 PM) junior_wonderful: "we need to talk" - the phrase every man fears
(7:48 PM) junior_wonderful: that's alright, i'll let you get back to packing
Session Start: Friday, 29 December 2006

* Jr W (
* N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! (

(7:54 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: just quickly, do you have blake's addy...if so can i grab it plese???
(7:54 PM) junior_wonderful: dont have it
Session Start: Friday, 29 December 2006

* Jr W (
* N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! (

(7:54 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: damn...thanks anyway
Session Start: Friday, 29 December 2006

* Jr W~! - (
* N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! (

(9:06 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: well the person i'm waiting for hasn't come on atm....we'll talk
(9:06 PM) junior_wonderful: ok shoot
(9:07 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: well obviously we were both angry at eachother before i left and i think we need to sort that out Smile
(9:07 PM) junior_wonderful: shoot away Smile
(9:07 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: well ok.....(I'll just be blunt:P) wat was the problem with me wanting to go to the movies as a group?? Razz
(9:08 PM) junior_wonderful: once it was initially cleared that no one was available you still carried on
(9:09 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: carried on???
(9:09 PM) junior_wonderful: you were hardline group or nothing
(9:09 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: no i was just woundering if anyone else like elle were able to come or something coz you only said ben P and K
(9:09 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: yeah thats right
(9:09 PM) junior_wonderful: yeah and that's the problem
(9:10 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: wat? that i prefered going as a group?
(9:10 PM) junior_wonderful: no, that you were hardline group or nothing
(9:10 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: so?.....
(9:10 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: hardline??
(9:10 PM) junior_wonderful: no group = nothing happens
(9:11 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: yep thats right
(9:12 PM) junior_wonderful: hang on gotta answer the door
(9:12 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: kk
(9:12 PM) junior_wonderful: false alarm
(9:12 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: kk
(9:12 PM) junior_wonderful: anyway
(9:13 PM) junior_wonderful: well it just seemed that since i'd already gone out of my way for you all week (shall i remind you of redbank or tuesday), and the fact that it seemed like you were disappointed that none of that ACTUALLY happened, i tried to set up another outing and was shot straight down
(9:14 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: ah huh.....see you made an asumption that i was disappointed where i wasn't
(9:14 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: im just easy going
(9:14 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: you should know that by know
(9:15 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: and you weren't shot straight down, its just i'm a girl and girls normally like to go as a group and i do
(9:15 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: its like a must these days
(9:15 PM) junior_wonderful: you were disappointed
(9:16 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: no i wasn't
(9:16 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: i was sick on tuesday and pretty much had plans for the rest of the day of redbank
(9:17 PM) junior_wonderful: you get no counterargument till you make sense
(9:17 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: huh?
(9:17 PM) junior_wonderful: you can read
(9:18 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: don't be smart
(9:18 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: may be you should make a little more sense
(9:19 PM) junior_wonderful: what that says, is that i dont argue back until you start making some points
(9:20 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: well i was sick on that tuesday so i didn't really have time to be dissapointed, plus you ended up coming over and we watched a movie....then on the day of redbank, i wasn't dissapointed coz i had plans anyway
(9:20 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: makes sense now?
(9:21 PM) junior_wonderful: it just seems that all the trouble i went to could've been appreciated somehow
(9:21 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: as in???
(9:21 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: how??
(9:21 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: you're thinking a little too much about yourself
(9:22 PM) junior_wonderful: i may be thinking about my position in all this, but at least i'm thinking about other people as well
(9:23 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: so i do too.....wat is your point that you're making??
(9:23 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: i didn't mention anything about your position...i was meaning that you were really only doing something to please me but expected something in return whereas i dont
(9:24 PM) junior_wonderful: i wasnt expecting anything in return, other than appreciation
(9:24 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: that's still expecting something
(9:25 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: its called expectation
(9:25 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: besides i did say sorry and thank you
(9:25 PM) junior_wonderful: it's called basic human fucking instinct
(9:25 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: thats called appreciation
(9:25 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: may be you need to learn a little more b4 you go blaming other people for your anger
(9:26 PM) junior_wonderful: this is bullshit
(9:26 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: no its the truth and you can't handle it
(9:26 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: if i showed this to some of my friends (incl.guys) they would agree with me
(9:27 PM) junior_wonderful: get out of your fantasy world and snap back to reality
(9:27 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: wat??? i aint in any such place
(9:28 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: i am in reality...if i wasn't id be in some pysycopathic place taking medication everyday
(9:28 PM) junior_wonderful: ^o)
(9:28 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: its true
(9:29 PM) junior_wonderful: your perception of reality is twisted and distorted
(9:30 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: ok if thats what you think then i think we need to end this friendship coz obviously you couldn't have a friend with a screwed up mind
(9:30 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: agreed????
(9:30 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: yes or no???
(9:30 PM) junior_wonderful: no
(9:30 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: well that's wat you are pretty much implying
(9:31 PM) junior_wonderful: no what i am saying, is that you are not taking anything i am saying on it's merits
(9:31 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: wat you mean now?
(9:32 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: you're only making things worse chris
(9:32 PM) junior_wonderful: read what i've been saying as i've said it, not as you've interpreted it
(9:32 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: oh i've read it
(9:32 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: read it like you say it
(9:33 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: i understood it perfectly
(9:33 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: how else am i supposed to read and understand a psycopath???
(9:33 PM) junior_wonderful: no, you're reading it the way you interpret it to mean
(9:34 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: no i'm not
(9:34 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: i'm understanding it as it is said
(9:34 PM) junior_wonderful: if we can get away from this yes you are, no i'm not for a minute...
(9:35 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: wat?
(9:35 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: watever
(9:35 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: you think you know me but seriously, you barely know me at all
(9:36 PM) junior_wonderful: what does that add to the cause?
(9:37 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: nothing...just stating a fact
(9:37 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: look i've gotta go
(9:37 PM) sharkygirl007@ho: bye
(9:37 PM) junior_wonderful: bye, we'll continue this shall you choose to remember it happened
(9:37 PM) N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! has been blocked
(9:38 PM) N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! is now Offline
(9:40 PM) N3UB13........I LOVE JACK BLACK!!!!!!! has been unblocked

This ended the friendship for a while. I genuinely liked this girl. I got screwed three days in a row. I was understanding? I shall continue...

She returned home and an ENW event took place where she was snippy at me all day, admittedly I took a few shots at the way she was carrying on in that flirty way. Come Ben's LAN I don't recall taking any shots and by the end of the night we were talking again. School comes back and she thought she was being ignored. I fixed this. Then one night, she brought up the idea of making the dinner finally happen. Me cooking for her. I accept more than happily. I spent that week preparing how I was going to cook. She wanted support from me at the Swimming Carnival? Despite the fact I was planning to beat the shit out of Shane (and vice versa, link available) I accepted. She was my friend, she needed my support. Dammit I gave it.

Kenny said he was going to go and wake her up on the Thursday night before the carnival, and the ENW event. I told him he does, I no-show. That's a very big deal. Needless to say I was a crazy man in love by this point so he steered clear and all was good. I turned up at the Swimming carnival, considerably screwed from the stunner of a match. I was refused entry. Not the school's problem, I didn't hand my permission slip in. I told her I wasn't allowed in. She seemed cool with it. I saw through the brave face. I did the manliest thing possible. I got Mum. Needless to say I got in and cheered on the young soldier. She got all firsts. I don't know whether it was because no one could hold a candle to her, or because of my support, but dammit I was proud of her.

She seemed to appreciate my efforts for the day, in fact I scored myself an invite to dinner. With the family at the PA. I was going to Ben's that night, so he got dragged into it. Much to the disappointment of my hip pocket (keeping in mind, that's where the wallet goes. Nothing else >_>). It went OK, but I felt like the third wheel in conversation. I thought, righto she be tired and I understood.

That night I was fairly melodramatically depressed. A damn corker of a conversation between me, Ben and Shanus fixed that. (Along with some Wile E Coyote getting pwned) I had my plan for Wednesday. It was time to MAN UP! and do it.

I'd ordered her a rose from school on Friday and then found out districts was on V-Day. So I had a nice young lass named Tammy redirect the flora to me. I planned to deliver after school on Wednesday.

I believe we are currently at Saturday. I went out and bought a lettuce and drinks for the night. (Drinks noted from what I bought the previous night for her) I met her on MSN and she confirmed turnup. This was good. She turned up. She did not say anything to me unprovoked. I started everything, and not much came back. I cooked the food. It was the epitome of Bleh! We ate, we watched TV. Conversation was sparse.

The original plan was to walk to Youth. She didn't like that you see. So I changed it. We got there. She didn't say nothing to no one and no one at all. I asked her what was up a few times and got the same short "piss off" style answers my dinner date had.

I got home and went to bed happily. I umpired Sunday and finished at 2. I started at 12. I had a lot of spare time that afternoon. She signs in, I say hello. I get blocked. I deserved it Wink. This weighed on my mind. Come Monday I thought all would be right again. It wasn't. I heard that arvo that she didn't like me. I ignored it. Tuesday was similar in the lack of conversation. I tried to talk to her at first lunch. To wish her luck at Districts. I got told to hang on a minute while she walked off.

Second lunch I told her and she effectively said "Kthxbai". I went and bought her chocolates.

Wednesday, I find out from Mrs Mittens that she was complaining about all the nice things I did for her. Last I checked, and last Mrs Mittens checked, nice things were good. My rose was dying so I watered it. In the process of carrying a rose around questions were asked. I hope your questions have been answered.

The final bell tolls (sorry, rings) and it was time to MAN UP! My rose was shitted so I got more. I got to her place, and...

She wasn't home. Her Mum was though so I talked to her. She arrived home with another man. Judging by the above story do you think this would've affected me? I presented my offerings and wished her a Happy Valentine's Day. Then I asked her out.

To her credit, she thought about it. Then I got nothing but a stock standard, "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now". Too many movies?

I proceeded to leave promptly. I turned down a lift and walked home. I spent half the dance miserable. The other half coming to the realisation that by bringing up the dinner again, she initiated it. She led me on.

I was chewed up and spat out on Valentine's Day. I'm over caring for her now. All I want is answers...
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:13 pm
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chris, you're such a dirty classicist!

logic doesn't work alot of the time. alot of the time it doesn't work, however, it's meant to not work; hence, christianity. love. mourning. all those things, no logic whatsoever, but it seems to work once you're in the middle of it. dunno whether or not that's a good thing, but it works for happily married christians delivering eulogies...

we understand that there are basically two types of thought, classical and romantic, classical being of logic and cold facts, romantic of dreams and fantasies and all that other 'nonsense'? good, that's good. (i knew this stuff before it was in english, except now i can use it without people looking at me like i'm on drugs.) ...well, you're basically looking at love as though it's of logic and cold facts. even from my little experience with all that shit, i know that that's just not how it works.

and chris, i myself had a passing interest in young jessie, ages back. i had a revelation though, helping it to pass, while watching TV, it went like this. picture on telly was of a great sunset in ol' mate africa, and it reminded me of her (romanticism again) ...and i realised, everyone loves the african plain, the spectacular sunsets, the rugged landscape, the unique fauna. but africa, while looking great to the tourist, is not a great place to live, and not for the same reasons. it is the continent of the blood diamond, extreme race crimes, genocide, venereal disease, conflict and poverty in general... the things you need to look around for before you find them, find how awful they really are.

the good news, though, is that there's hope for young africa. particularly in the wealthier areas and periods, racism is on the back foot. conflict driven goods are being restricted by democratically elected governments. education is on the rise. NATO and UN troops ensure peace in areas of ethnic strife. but you know, we as wealthy nations can support her, help her in her progression from poverty, but until that point, we don't want to live there, because it's still a dangerous place.

metaphor kicks arse, if you don't understand it, shutup. or read it again, and try being less of a bloody classicist...
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Jr W

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:21 pm
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dosthecat wrote:
...well, you're basically looking at love as though it's of logic and cold facts. even from my little experience with all that shit, i know that that's just not how it works.

Exactly the opposite, might not have been conveyed too well during my story, but that's exactly the opposite.

Though your metaphor did kick arse.
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:24 pm
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also, there's shitloads of fucken coons in africa too, that'll hafta change before i go...

edit: my MSN is brek'd. contact list is unavailable apparantly, which is a shame, because i was meant to chat to me mate jonno at 8:30 about bombs.
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Jr W

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:35 pm
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Anyway, I'm considering locking this to avoid beating a dead horse.
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:41 pm
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oh go on, let those that are unfortunate enough to get in in time beat it some!

i feel so left out when they lock things that are still goin'. distraught, even. (puts distraught in the same pile as inconsiderate and disgraceful.)

i said to a slightly inebriated man this evening, after he stuck a song in my head, how inconsiderate it was of him. being tipsy, he lol'd
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Jr W

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:43 pm
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Eh no lock.
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:10 pm
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Aw Chris I'm crying...

I'm really sorry things had to happen the way they did. I hope you'll be alright.

None of that was your fault, I hope you realize that.
You played all your cards right.

I agree, she led you on, and I am so angry that she did. That's NOT how you go about things, not at all.

For the record, I am so proud of you for being so strong about all this. For building up the courage to even ask her, and to handle this as well as you have.

I understand how you feel, believe me I understand.
A similar thing happened to me once, but that's a thing of the past, that doesn't matter to me now.

That hug that I gave to you today, was I guess, a bit of comfort. I wanted to let you know that I care about you. Don't think it was anything less than caring.

Time heals all wounds my friend... you'll be alright.
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Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:22 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

Yea bud as eliza said theres nothing wrong with you and its not your fault.

I still don't see how someone can be so heartless that made me angry. Whinging after you've done all that I mean for allahs sake you just dont do that.

Bit of sof2 and roadrunner along with a few fishing nights and drinking sessions and you'll be right Smile

Hang in there bud.

Time heals all wounds my friend... you'll be alright.

Amen to that.
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Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:43 pm
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i think... alot of women do the 'leading you on' thing.

perhaps not so much fraud as negligence, maybe, probably, but it still makes you feel all messy.
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Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:08 pm
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Holy crap Chris... That sucks big time. Lets just hope you dont get a similar response to that of me and my thread.

Dude, I feel sorry for you aye... that is bad

You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Jr W

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Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:38 pm
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So I find out she's telling her version of the story now.

If anyone can get a hold of it, post it. I hear it's rather abridged and wrong.
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:45 pm
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What is it about?? is it full of rumours and bullcrap that teenagers like her spread??

You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:19 pm
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Na well this poor bloke does his best does everything for her and basically shes make a shitup story of it all.
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:00 pm
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Wilkins wrote:
What is it about?? is it full of rumours and bullcrap that teenagers like her spread??

How would your reaction to her post, if she was to make one, differ from my post in your thread? I'm not excusing anything, but you see?

And as for Chris, man, that takes a lot of dedication... I can't remember if i've posted here or not, but I think you know how I feel about your situation.

♥ yσυ fσґєvєґ вăвy
Burn the Wich!
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:47 pm
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Jr W wrote:
So I find out she's telling her version of the story now.

If anyone can get a hold of it, post it. I hear it's rather abridged and wrong.

If I hear anything, (which I probably will since I hear about most things from most people), I will let you know.

I am pretty pissed at her about the way she is dealing with all of this, I've told you that. And I swear, if I hear anything from her, she is going to get flamed, no two words about it.
I have lost a lot of respect for her (there wasn't much anyway, 'cause her and I nearly got into a fight in class once. lol).
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:49 pm
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haha i could just imagine you halfway through licking your glue then someone says something offensive, you chuck the glue away and punches them, stands up, fetches the glue, and starts again! I would lol if it happened in music!
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:54 pm
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Ahaha, shut up you.

The glue is our little secret... Wink
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:35 pm
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Don't flame her. She doesn't deserve to be flamed. What she needs is a good talk, rather than an indiscriminate flame.
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:50 pm
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Alright, I won't flame her.
BUT! I can give her a bit of a talking to.
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Mr Mittens

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Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:52 pm
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Jr W wrote:
Don't flame her. She doesn't deserve to be flamed. What she needs is a good talk, rather than an indiscriminate flame.

Or i could just film her for the rest of her life and secretly release the videos over the internet. She always wanted life to be a movie right?

Some people just need to grow up and live in the world that they have given to them.
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Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:39 pm
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hmm, jessie.

that talking to her bit? for it to work you need to do alot of simultaneous suck-uppery. otherwise you'll just get, 'oh, i agree with you completely', until she walks off and starts going on about how me and norman cornered her and forced our religion upon her, or whatever exxaggerated complaint she ended up delivering to those that 'care' for her until they do something that she doesn't like and then... well, the cycle begins again i spose...

but i don't really care, i'll be waiting if she wants to patch things up, try and mend her own head...

asperger's comes into this as well. the 'i'm right' attitude, it comes from the asperger's person assumption that other people have the same mind as you. therefore they can only agree.

most asperger's people learn to kill this assumption around 8-10 years of age... dunno what happened with her, but meh... it's there, and it's bullshit she can deal with if she applies herself, but, meh again.
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Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:26 pm
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Heard about her being a bitch to Jaala?
That was rich.

I talked to her in drama about that actually, she told me her side of the story.
As assumed they both told me a story that covers their asses.
It was funny.

"I just wanted to sit there and she came and basically told me to get out."

"I always sit there, and then JESSIE was trying to sit in MY spot."


Thought I'd share.

I guess my point is, at least she DOES speak to me, therefore, I think I have some chance of possibly talking to her about what happened.

I'm thinking I should bring it up in casual conversation.
And then express my opinion about the matter.
I have a feeling she's too proud to admit she was the one in the wrong.
So I'll bring it out.

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Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:33 pm
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You are brilliant Smile

Yea I feel bad I got asked to come to chris's dinner after the swimming carnival and i thought yea ok i got nothing better to do then she talked to me the whole time Shocked
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Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:14 pm
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i'm over trying to talk sense into jessie. promoted myself to knocking some sense into her.
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Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:37 pm
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Damn, the uncoolness of that story is at the mega.

But don't fret Chris, as I was talking to my mate a few minutes ago about something very similar.... the convo went a little something like this:

Me: don't worry, something's in store for us nice guys.... eventually
Matt: when were like 90 well find a nice 20yr old to sex us to death and keep all our money
Me: hahahaha, exactly, and untill then, we have all the porn in the world

Remember that, young ones.... all the porn in the world (thank you limewire), and a hot 20 year old babe when we're 90 (Thank you low-self esteemed women).[/quote]
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Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:18 pm
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I really do hope you're joking about that Dean.

Although, it wasn't exactly appropriate for this type of situation, in my opinion.
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:55 pm
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i feel sorry for that girl, jessie i mean.

chris, the valentines thing maybe also goes back to the chat in maths once upon a time, about jessie and us blokes. about her being in a relationship for trophy purposes rather than for love.

again, i used to do that when i was a lad, not with romances, but with more 'trivial' things. and again, i learned that it wasn't normal/healthy/etc, and overcame it. and... again, again. i have no idea why she hasn't done the same.

this whole jessie thing is complete bullshit. everyone was all ears when she was bitching about norman about that thing at youth, (thsoe things at youth, actually) it was only me and norman that took offence at her version of events, and it was only me and norman that figured she needed someone to tell her to grow the fuck up.

i'm not attacking any of you guys about that, maybe i'm out of pride i'm softly hinting, that when the scruffy guy in the corner speaks, you should listen to what he has to say. i stand by the base of what i said in that maths lesson about her, and with recent events the things i spoke about seem alot more probable.

back to jessie, the past few weeks i've been developing a feeling for her, about the closest i've come to pure hatred for a fair while.

She always wanted life to be a movie right? - pretty much says it all.
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:26 pm
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dosthecat wrote:
about the closest i've come to pure hatred for a fair while

Me too. Ahahaha.

I dunno, I'm getting pissed off with people a lot easier lately.
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:28 pm
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I'm not, I've been a lot nicer (or atleast I think I have) lately, sure, I have a passionate dislike for a lot of people and things, but I just let them slip a lot easier these days. I used to hold things against people for little reason, but these days, i've just let everything go.

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